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Well, what can I say? Well, what can I say? That's how people work. Want to know, want to know, They want to know what will happen. From modern hits Introduction In the forms of concretization of the abstract concept of "foresight", it is advisable to sepa…
14 часов(а) назад
An absolute monarchy is built on the will of one person. Sic volo, sic jubeo. Tel est mOn bon plaisir (1*). One rules, the others obey. The will of the autocrat may even diverge from the will of the nation. Today, there is still a vestige of absolute monar…
2 дней(я) назад
In the 17th century, Russia and Sweden enjoyed vibrant economic ties that go back to ancient times. Both countries traded directly with each other. Russian merchants, showing business activity, made trips to Stockholm, which was the main center of trade be…
3 дней(я) назад
"Eternal Peace", signed on May 18, 1595 in d. Tyavzine 1 was an important milestone in the history of Russian-Swedish relations. With this treaty, Russia and Sweden formalized the results of the Livonian War. According to the treaty, Russia was forced to a…
3 дней(я) назад
M. Politizdat. 1975. 295 pp. Circulation of 50,000 copies. Price 1 rub. 23 kopecks. Several serious studies are devoted to the participation of Latvian riflemen in the socialist revolution in Russia and the defense of its gains. Therefore, it is important …
3 дней(я) назад
In solving the question of the time when the first historical works appeared in Russia, an important place belongs to establishing the origins of the Novgorod chronicle. In the last century, the begin…
3 дней(я) назад
[Arkhangelsk]. North-Western Book Publishing House. 1975. 183 pages. Circulation 35,000. Price 50 kopecks. The book of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor G. G. Frumenkov (Arkhangelsk Pedagogical…
3 дней(я) назад
Interest in North American colleges (the very first of them turned 340 years old) it is explained by the fact that even in the colonial period, the enlightenment and intellectual thought of the United States were born. The independent republic inherited a …
3 дней(я) назад
The leaflets of the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class, issued during the period of its activity under the leadership of V. I. Lenin (1895-January 1897), played…
3 дней(я) назад
I. General remarks The cultural history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is a complex problem, the solution of which is directly dependent on the study of the socio - political system of Lithuania itself, the lands subject to it at that time, and the develo…
3 дней(я) назад
The eighteenth century is the century of the formation of the American nation. Culture played a very big role in this process. It, like political battles (albeit more indirectly), reflected real social and class relations and contradictions. During this pe…
3 дней(я) назад
The feudal state of the western Mongols-Oirats - the Dzungarian, or Oirat, Khanate (1635-1757) held back the pressure of the Manchus, who tried to establish their rule here, for almost a century1 .The rulers of the Dzungarian Khanate sought to increase the…
4 дней(я) назад
Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1976. 302 pp. The print run is 6,300. Price 1 rub. 43 kopecks. The collective monograph, prepared by the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences together with the Soviet Committ…
4 дней(я) назад
More than 20 years ago, the little-known magazine Zhar-Ptitsa, published in Russian in San Francisco (USA) by rotaprint method, published a series of articles by two Russian emigrants - the writer Yu. P. Mirolyubov and the etymologist-assyrologist A. A. Ku…
4 дней(я) назад
Kwartalnik historyczay, an organ of the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is one of the oldest scientific publications in the Polish People's Republic. This year it celebrates th…
4 дней(я) назад
The Civil War of 1861-1865 eliminated slavery in the United States. It was replaced by more sophisticated forms of oppression, racial segregation and discrimination of the Black population, 9/10 of which by the beginning of the XX century. still living in …
4 дней(я) назад
The ideological and political crisis of American bourgeois statehood has raised the question of the real viability and effectiveness of the US Constitution as its cornerstone. The intentions of the "founding fathers" of the United States and the content of…
4 дней(я) назад
In 1563, the Russian ambassador Athanasius Nagy, who was going to the Crimea on a diplomatic mission, was given a strange order. He had to "protect it tightly" so that the khan would never attach the "scarlet nishan", that is, the red seal, to the letter w…
4 дней(я) назад
To the 60th anniversary of Great October. The outstanding role of the Baltic Fleet in the preparation and conduct of the Great October Socialist Revolution was covered both in general works and in mor…
4 дней(я) назад
In the second third of the sixteenth century, the Moscow chronicle entered the period of its greatest prosperity. The result of the efforts of scribes, scribes and artists was a richly illustrated chr…
4 дней(я) назад
Moscow, Mysl Publishing House. 1976. 359 pp. Circulation 19,000. Price 1 rub. 40 kopecks. The author of the peer-reviewed work, Head of the Department of the Institute of the USA and Canada, Doctor of Historical Sciences G. A. Trofimenko examines the strug…
5 дней(я) назад
Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1976. 312 pp. The print run is 1,700. Price 1 rub. 38 kopecks. The book by S. M. Askoldova, a senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, is one of…
5 дней(я) назад
In accordance with the Long-term Program of Cooperation in the field of natural and Social Sciences signed by the USSR and Finland on October 28, 1975, the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (IAAS) held the Soviet-Finnish Symposium on …
5 дней(я) назад
Representatives of many nationalities around the world have contributed to the creation and development of the United States, and we must not forget about the contribution that belongs to the Russians. As early as the end of the 18th century, Russian indus…
5 дней(я) назад
"Exhortion and Controls. The Search for a Wage-Price Policy 1945 - 1971". Ed. by C. D. Goodwin. The Brookings Institution. Washington. 1975. 326 p. This peer-reviewed book focuses on the U.S. government's policy on wage and price regulation in the postwar …
5 дней(я) назад
At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia maintained a system of higher education inherited from the feudal era, when the main purpose of higher education institutions, primarily universities, was …
5 дней(я) назад
The origins of Enlightenment in Poland go back to the 40s of the XVIII century, when it became possible thanks to peaceful stabilization after long wars and ruin, on the general wave of renewal of the country. Its culmination point occurs in the 80s and 90…
5 дней(я) назад
Gorky. Gorky University Publishing House. 1975. 167 pp. The print run is 500. Price 80 kopecks. The study of the internal policy of the autocracy in the second half of the 19th century is very important for a correct understanding of the social and economi…
5 дней(я) назад
The successful economic and social development of both the socialist community as a whole and its member countries, the strengthening of their ideological and political unity, the major achievements of their peace-loving policy aimed at defusing internatio…
5 дней(я) назад
In the history of late feudal Poland of the XV-XVIII centuries. A special role is played by the problem of its relations and contacts with the Baltic Sea. It is one of the most significant, because th…
5 дней(я) назад
Freedom and human rights are among the most important issues that are currently being hotly debated ideologically. V. I. Lenin noted that" for every revolution, "freedom is" a slogan that is very, very important. " 1 This slogan was also written on the ban…
5 дней(я) назад
Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1975. 350 pp. The print run is 2550. Price 1 rub. 46 kopecks. The history of Russian absolutism has long attracted the attention of researchers. Soviet scientists made …
5 дней(я) назад
J. LEMISH. On Active Service in War and Peace. Politics and Ideology in the American Historical Profession. "New Hogtown Press". Toronto. 1975. IX + 150 p. The book under review is based on the report of one of the most prominent representatives of the rad…
5 дней(я) назад
The Finnish Historical Society (FULL Name), which is the largest association of historians in Finland, has celebrated its 100th anniversary. The name was created in 1875, during the period of the rise of the national movement, a wide interest in all forms …
5 дней(я) назад
In the extensive and contradictory literature devoted to the beginning of Russia, one of the leading places belongs to the "Varangians", as well as the meaning of the chronicle remark about the identity of" Varangians "and"Rus". Soviet scientists have coll…
8 дней(я) назад
5. "I'm not afraid to be afraid" - so said R. Kennedy shortly before his death. After John's death, he must have decided to challenge fate at every turn. The new misfortune in the family only added to the desperation: eight months after the tragedy in Dall…
8 дней(я) назад
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Anna Kostabi добавил(а) новую публикацию BALTIC FLEET ON THE EVE OF GREAT OCTOBER
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Anna Kostabi добавил(а) новую публикацию THE RIDDLE OF AN ANCIENT AUTOGRAPH
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Anna Kostabi добавил(а) новую публикацию HOW SHANYAVSKY UNIVERSITY WAS CREATED
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Anna Kostabi добавил(а) новую публикацию POLAND ON THE BALTIC SEA IN THE 16TH CENTURY
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Anna Kostabi добавил(а) новую публикацию LIQUIDATION OF THE ANTI-SOVIET KRONSTADT MUTINY OF 1921
15.01.2025 12:07
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