Article two
In the first article 2, I mentioned the paradox when formally comparing the West and the East in terms of GNP per capita, when the development vectors of Asian and Western European countries calmly intersected in the absence of the first industrial revolution. Is this the quality of development that can ensure economic growth in its modern sense and with its current global achievements? If so, why didn't it provide such results? Is colonialism to blame for destroying the" golden age " of Asia? Are its overexploitation and excessive "tribute" of oppressed peoples to the conquerors to blame? However, as will be shown in detail later, the government that replaced the autochthonous one, if it used the very high tax rate established by the previous rulers, then it did not last very long, persistently and consistently reducing it (according to the capitalist motto: there can be no profitable trade with poor people). Moreover, during the colonial period, instead of extinction, there is a huge demographic revival, which has never happened before. But did the unprecedented measures of the aliens to strengthen the institutions of private property and personal security worsen the situation of the producer or merchant? "How imperfect they were! - The East also did not know anything like this before (otherwise, why, introducing them, would it be necessary to break down an open door). However, we will also leave the details of these aspects for the future.
Now we are talking about another paradox that lies not even in the depths of the analysis of technical, economic and social differences in the reproduction of an almost equal national product per capita, but almost at the entrance doors of the "Chinese walls". Although the presence of a share of what I intend to say in the current estimate of GNP is not clear (this is one of the items in the article "non-produ ...
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