Key words: UN, Gaza, Israel Modern international relations, even after the formal end of the era of block confrontation, are still characterized by a high level of conflict. The processes of globalization have led to an expansion of the circle of participants in regional and international disputes: they involve not only neighboring States, but also world powers that are not directly involved, as well as international and regional organizations that are increasingly active. Over time, such organizations have accumulated a certain experience in solving crisis situations, which, in our opinion, is still insufficient for an adequate solution of most modern international conflicts. If we talk about the United Nations, its methods of "responding" to a particular emerging crisis "adapt" to changing regional and international realities. Despite the existence of the Security Council , the main UN body responsible for world peace and security, special bodies, committees or commissions are created to respond or enforce when absolutely necessary. Over time, the need to make the UN's work more effective has led to other forms of crisis response. There are several reasons for this scenario. One of the main reasons is that the configuration of crises has become noticeably more complex due to the increase in the number of their participants. This led to the fact that it became much more difficult to identify the guilty party. Cases of situations involving polar opposite views on the causes and origins of the crisis and its perpetrators have led to the fact that international ad hoc mechanisms for investigating the circumstances of the conflict have become increasingly popular. The emergence and spread of such mechanisms was also facilitated by the fact that the international community was often forced to make its decisions under time constraints. The main feature of such" on-the-spot " mechanisms is that an attempt is being made to conduct a relatively independent investigation wit ... Read more

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