The Finnish Historical Society (FULL Name), which is the largest association of historians in Finland, has celebrated its 100th anniversary. The name was created in 1875, during the period of the rise of the national movement, a wide interest in all forms of culture and the historical past of the Finnish people. This was the time of the first successes of the young Finnish historical science, which was born in the struggle against traditional concepts of the Finns ' lack of independent history, its complete dependence on the cultural and political success of the Swedes, etc.Declaring that the Finnish people had their own past, the national historiography proclaimed their right to national existence and state development. In this way, it was actively involved in the struggle to establish and establish the bourgeois society that was developing in the country.
The relatively late foundation of the full name (in comparison with other northern European countries) was to some extent compensated for
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activities of the Finnish Scientific Society (founded in 1838) and the Historical Association (1864) of the Finnish Society of Literature. It was within the framework of the latter that the few forces of historians were first united and the tasks that stood in the field of studying the past of the Finnish people were formulated. Among the most prominent members of the association, the founders of the name I. Koskinen, F. Rabbe, S. Elmgren, K. Bumansson, K. Ignatius later left.
Currently, the FULL NAME has 320 members, of which about a third (111 in 1975) are professional historians. The addition of full names to this category of" research members " who have the right to have a decisive vote in determining the main directions of the society's activities is carried out on the basis of careful selection, in which the political views of a particular historian play an important role. Since the society saw its main task in contributing to the development of problems of natio ...
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