Petrozavodsk. Karelia. 1983. 240 p. To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory Literature about Karelia during the Great Patriotic War was supplemented with a monograph by K. A. Morozov, a senior researcher in the History sector of the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Karelian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences .1 The author comprehensively covers the participation of the republic's workers in the war in three main areas: in the Active army, in the work of the front - line rear, in the national struggle in the territory temporarily occupied by the enemy-the party and Komsomol underground, the partisan movement, and the disruption of military, political and economic activities of the occupiers by the population. Not all of these areas are explored with equal depth, but in general the book gives an idea of the history of Karelia in this period. Relying on the works of his predecessors, K. A. Morozov not only summarized the huge material published in the Soviet press (which already deserves approval), but also continued to study the topic. At the same time, he took into account the advice of specialists and war veterans , their comments on previously published literature, 2 and drew new facts drawn from documents stored in the central and republican party and state archives. All this allowed him to create an interesting and in many ways original work. The monograph shows that from June 1941 to September 1944 there was a fierce struggle against the invaders on the territory of the republic. In the first months of the war, the German-Finnish troops managed to capture the most economically important regions of Karelia; only 1/3 of its territory, where less than 1/5 of its industrial output was produced and approximately 75,000 people lived in 1942, was not occupied (pp. 38-39). These material and labor resources were used in the interests of the front. The author shows the active participation of the workers of t ... Read more

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Full version: https://library.se/m/articles/view/K-A-MOROZOV-KARELIA-DURING-THE-GREAT-PATRIOTIC-WAR-1941-1945
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02.02.2025 (15 days ago)
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