2nd ed., add. Lenizdat. 1983. 319 p. V. I. Lenin repeatedly visited Finland, lived there, maintained constant contacts with Finnish revolutionaries, was interested in the situation in this country, and always defended the national rights of the Finnish people. From here, from "near emigration", Lenin directed the struggle of the Russian proletariat during the revolution of 1905-1907, and from deep underground directed the activities of the Bolshevik Party in the autumn of 1917, until his arrival in Petrograd on the eve of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The importance of the topic "Lenin and Finland" is determined by the interest of millions of people on our planet in the ideas, deeds, and personality of Lenin - a great revolutionary and thinker. It is not by chance that its individual aspects are reflected in the works of Soviet historians .1 However, for a long time there was no generalizing work on this big and responsible problem. To a large extent, this gap was filled by the publication in Leningrad in 1977 of the first, and in 1983 of the second, expanded and expanded edition of the book by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M. M. Koronen "V. I. Lenin and Finland". It attracted the attention not only of specialists who study the history of Soviet-Finnish relations, but also of a wide range of readers. The author shows that the relations between the Soviet Union and Finland serve as a vivid example of the fruitful application in practice of Lenin's principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different socio-political systems. Lenin was at the origin of these friendly relations. M. M. Koronen is known as the author of a number of scientific works on the history of the revolutionary movement in Finland and Soviet-Finnish relations .2 For many years, he collected materials for his main book - about Lenin's stay in Finland and his connections with the Finnish labor movement: he worked in archives, studied literature on the topic, and visited pla ... Read more

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