The first symposium of Soviet and Swedish historians was held in 1976 in Stockholm. It was followed by meetings in Moscow (1978), Lund (1980), and Novgorod (1982) .1 The Fifth Soviet - Swedish Historians ' Symposium was held in Sigtun on September 10-12, 1984 . By prior agreement, three issues were selected for discussion: 1) the city and society in the early Middle Ages; 2) cultural relations between Russia and the USSR and Sweden; 3) the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Soviet-Swedish diplomatic relations (1924-1984).
The Soviet delegation included eight scientists who made presentations: head of the delegation, acad. M. P. Kim, corresponding member. AS USSR Yu. S. Kukushkin, V. A. Kumanev, V. A. Shishkin, G. A. Nekrasov, A. A. Svanidze, O. V. Chernysheva, Yu. D. Komarov. The event was hosted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Humanities. The Swedish delegation consisted of 26 people, mostly leading experts in their field. The delegation was headed (as at three previous meetings) by the Vice-President of the Royal Academy of Humanities, Head of the Swedish Historical Society, one of the largest Swedish historians, Professor of Uppsala University S. Karlsson. Presentations were made by: members of the Academy of Humanities N. O. Nilsson (Stockholm) and M. von Platten (Umeå), W. Abel (Stockholm, National Museum), Chief theorist of the Medieval City program H. Andersson (Gothenburg), V. M. Karlgren (Head of the Archives Department of the Swedish Foreign Ministry), A.-S. Greslund (Uppsala Institute of Archaeology), Ph. D. Karlsson (Lund). The delegation also included: B. Ambrosiani (Stockholm State Historical Museum), H. de Geer, Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Historisk Tidskrift", K. Gerner ("Scandia" magazine), B. Hult (Stockholm Institute of Foreign Policy), Director of the Swedish State Archive S. Lundqvist, W.-B. Lagerroth (Lund University), A. Leuth (Director of the Baltic Center, Stockholm University), E. Nurdal (Uppsala Institute of Archaeolog ...
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