The article considers the materials of the Dolgaya-1 site and the Novoromanovskaya Pisanitsa site, which form an archaeological and petroglyphic complex unique for the Nizhnetomsky hearth of rock art. A semantic interpretation of the remains of the ritual hunting meal and individual images of the scribble is proposed in the context of the calendar myth of the space chase. "Late" Ugric and Evenki reminiscences of this mythologeme are considered. The hypothesis of sacralization of the location of the Dolgaya-1 site and Novoromanovskaya Pisanitsa in the Paleometallic epoch, due to the special hydrography of the area, semantically related to mythocalendar representations, is substantiated.
Keywords: parking lot Dolgaya-1, Novoromanovskaya pisanitsa, space chase, mythocalendar rituals.
The location of Dolgaya-1 is located at the mouth of the right tributary of the Tom River of the same name in the Yashkinsky district of the Kemerovo region (Fig. 1). The monument, discovered in 1990 during the inspection of the Novoromanovskaya Pisanitsa, was considered destroyed by a dirt road laid by a scraper along the coastal slope. But in 2008, a site with an undisturbed and extremely rich cultural layer containing various finds was identified here.
In 2008 - 2012, the monument was fully explored. It is confined to the promontory section at the confluence of the Dolgaya River with the Tom River. This estuarine area is associated with a folded depression of the right rocky Tomsk coast. At the mouth of the tributary, rock ledges form an open plinth with an eastern exposure. Petroglyphs of the Novoromanovskaya pisanitsa are plotted on these planes. In the western and northern directions, rock folds form the basis for several soil-covered and sanded terraces in a stepwise rise. On one of them, 5 m to the west of the basement, and found the location.
On a terrace of approx. 150 m2 revealed 10 cultural and chronological complexes:
1) ceramics of the Izylinsky type (49 fragment ...
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