Recently employees of the RAS Institute of Physics named after P. Lebedev in cooperation with the scientists of Moscow and Belgorod State Universities, RAS Institute of General Physics named after A. Prokhorov, as well as students of a number of Moscow higher education institutions produced unidimensional nanostructures with a period of up to 90 nm, based on the method of multi-impulse exposure of a solid material surface to femtosecond laser radiation. It was for the first time that the physicists overcame 100-nanometer "psychological" barrier separating nano- and micro-technologies. In addition, the length of laser radiation wave was 8 times more than the period of produced nanostructures. The scientists of the RAS Institute of Physics Andrei Ionin, Dr. Sc. (Phys. & Math.), Sergei Kudryashov and Leonid Seleznev, both Cands. Sc. (Phys. & Math.) gave details of the work under consideration to Vasily Yanchilin, a correspondent of the Poisk newspaper. As a rule, minimally possible "nanostructures" are produced by means of molecular and atomic assembly using tunnel microscope. But this process takes too much time to "assemble" any, even nanosize, structure. The authors of the work under consideration decided to act otherwise—they began to change properties of a large (several mm2) material surface directly on a nanolevel using femtosecond laser Start-248M, designed especially for this purpose by the Research and Development Company Avesta-Project, located in the town of Troitsk (Moscow Region) and engaged in manufacture of innovative spectroscopic equipment. Super-high-speed impulse duration of the said unit at appropriate focusing ensures a rather high local (in time and space) intensity of the effect of light radiation on the solid target material. As a result of the so-called soft noninvasive laser ablation (removal), there takes place its "scorching" from the surface, which in this case has a positive effect. The process itself takes from a ... Читать далее
Eesti Online · 1266 days ago 0 286
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