NIZAM AD-DIN DA'I-YI SHIRAZI. 'ISHQ-NAMEH (THE BOOK OF LOVE)* TRANSLATED FROM PERSIAN AND COMMENTS BY V. A. DROZDOV translation Speech six. On the extreme forms of love affair (Bayts 4638-4758) Love clings to every imagination and manifests itself in every beauty and every perfection. However, in the end, out of all that exists, it chooses a mystical reality. Then she gives [something] of the bounty of the eternal to one who has not a grain of error in him. Because of her perfection, she has an honorable dress, and because of her beauty, a pleasant appearance. She has woven a crown of the most beautiful names of the 99 , she has twisted a belt of the rope of the hidden reality of things, she has made a stand on the throne of her being and made the whole world serve her. She said: "Look, I (love. - VD) is he (the world. - VD), and he is I, follow the path of service to him. He is loved by me, and I am loved by him, in the mystical reality I am both desired and desired by him. He is the place of manifestation of my special works, so because of the secret (cupp) of my words, he has the gift of speech, on his lips - at the same time.- * Continued. For the beginning, see: East (Oriens). 2002, N 3. pp. 127-144; N 4. pp. 124-140. page 131 yat smile, and in his head and soul - vows, my throne became his heart, and my throne (courses) My mirror is him, and I am his mirror. When he presents amazing gifts from the beauty of the essence, I will purify his attributes at all costs. But He will hear and see me and talk to me, come to me, catch me and search for me. " Find out the hidden meaning [of the hadeeth]: "He hears Me and sees Me," 100 and this hadith, O lord, read without allegorical interpretation. Rediscover the hidden meaning of the oath of Ridwan (bay'at ar-Ridwan) 101 And in the depths of it 102 see the hand of the Lord. If you look again at [hadith]: "He who has seen me has seen..." 103, you will see God in Mustapha 104 . Oh dear ones! This is neither unbelief nor ca ... Read more

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