by Sergei KRIKALYOV, Cand. Sc. (Psychol.), the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Head of the Gagarin Research and Test Center for Cosmonaut Training (NIITsPK), Boris KRYUCHKOV, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Deputy Head for Scientific Work (NIITsPK), Andrei KURITSYN, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Department Head (NIITsPK) In December of 2012 the Russian Federation Government approved the State program "Space Activities of Russia for 2013-2020". Among its major components there are provisions concerning the use of the International Space Station (ISS) for development of technologies of flights to planets and bodies of the Solar system. The unusual experiments carried out at the Center with participation of ISS crews immediately upon completion of their long-term flights are called to study problems of providing for efficient human activities in outer space. DEVELOPMENT STAGE OF THE EARTH CIVILIZATION The 21st century will most probably be an age of man's flight to Mars. Although taking into account the contemporary technology level and man's potentialities such mission still seems difficult to accomplish. Another side of the problem deals with financing of such expensive project, which requires astronomic expenses. Most likely, its implementation will require international cooperation, which will provide for more efficient integration of scientific and technical potential of the participating countries. By now substantial progress is achieved in the studies of Mars by unmanned vehicles. The results of their flights with guiding artificial satellites into orbits and operation of instruments on the planet's surface confirm also assumptions of a possible manned mission. In practice some countries are already engaged in preparatory works though outside of any specific project but inside of experimental and design works, thus creating necessary scientific and technical reserves. стр. 11 Different concepts of a manned mission are offered. They differ mainly in structural and l ... Читать далее
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