R. G. LANDA. THE FATE OF THE MORISKS, Moscow, IV RAS, 2013.399 p. R. G. Landa's monograph is devoted to the history of the Moriscos, i.e. the Muslims of Spain who were forcibly converted to Christianity at the end of the so - called Reconquista-a seven-hundred-year war for the liberation of the Iberian lands captured by Muslims since the end of the 7th century. After being forced to adopt Christianity from the end of the 15th century, converted Muslims could not immediately abandon their customs, abandon their entire culture overnight, became one of the objects (along with converted Marrani Jews, Protestants, dissidents, and others) of religious and ethnic cleansing, and were eventually expelled from the united Catholic country. It seems that the phenomenon is not unique in world history, but its special specificity, uniqueness and tragedy lie in the fact that the Muslims, whose descendants were Morisks, were not ordinary conquerors, robbers and cruel exploiters. Being at the peak of the passion of early Islam, yesterday's nomadic Arabs brought to the Iberian Peninsula the culture of the recently conquered centers of ancient civilizations-Arabia, Iran, Palestine, Egypt. As a result, during the long coexistence in war and peace of the Muslim emirates and Christian principalities, a beneficial symbiosis of cultures has emerged, a synthesis of civilizations that is on the rise of Muslim and very specific Christian-Iberian. All this serves only as a background for this research, which has certainly become an outstanding phenomenon in modern scientific historical literature. The author opens up a new world, almost unknown not only to ordinary readers, but also to specialists. Fortunately, such works, which concentrate fascinating subjects of history, sociology, ethnology and cultural studies, occasionally appear in post-Soviet Oriental studies, each time becoming a bright event (the previous work of such genre specifics and scientific priority was the book" Islands of th ... Read more

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