Previous articles have shown that in the last decade metaphorical models with conceptual vectors of cruelty, aggressiveness and competition, deviations from the natural order of things (war, crime, sports, etc.) have developed.
Another group of strong conceptual vectors of the modern Russian political metaphor is the improbability of what is happening, the insincerity of politicians, the excessive carnival of events that are in the center of public attention, the lack of independence of public politicians - the presence of some secret scriptwriters, directors and coaches in the political life of the country (theater, game and sports metaphor).
Perhaps the reader felt that the mirror of political metaphor portrays modern Russia in an unnecessarily gloomy light. Unfortunately, this is true. Therefore, the question is quite natural: "What does the metaphorical mirror reflect and does it distort reality too much?"
Developing the conceptual model "metaphor - mirror" presented in the title of this series of articles, it should be noted that this huge mirror (an integral metaphorical system of the Russian political language) consists of many small mirrors - specific metaphorical word usage. Each of them reflects the worldview of one person, often metaphorical use of words conveys only the momentary mood of this person. But if such a metaphor is picked up by other people, then such an image becomes a socially significant fact: "My colleague Yuri Yakovlev said: "We were trampled underfoot, all over the world Russia is perceived as the devil knows what country", and then such joy... "(Zh. Alferov). When the phrase "We were trampled..." is pronounced " wide
* See: Russian speech. 2001. NN 1, 3, 4; 2002. NN 1, 2.
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a well-known in narrow circles" physicist is his private opinion, but when this phrase is remembered and repeated (which means that the image seemed to him accurate and expressive) by a Nobel laureate and at the same time a State Duma deputy, when an interv ...
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