In accordance with the Long-term Program of Cooperation in the field of natural and Social Sciences signed by the USSR and Finland on October 28, 1975, the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (IAAS) held the Soviet-Finnish Symposium on archeology in Leningrad from November 15 to 19, 1976 on the topic "Finno-Ugric and Slavic tribes of Eastern Europe and Finland in the the Middle Ages". The symposium was attended by leading Soviet archaeologists of research institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences from Moscow, Leningrad, Petrozavodsk, Riga and Tallinn, including the sector of Slavic-Finnish Archaeology of the Leningrad Branch of the IAAS and the Department of Archaeology of the Historical Faculty of Leningrad University. The head of the Soviet delegation was Academician B. A. Rybakov. The Finnish participants, led by Professor K.-F. Meinander, represented the Universities of Helsinki and Turku, the Finnish Museum Service, the Academy of Finland, and the working group on Archeology of the Committee for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Finland and the USSR.
The success of the symposium was largely due to its high organizational and technical level. All reports and discussions on them were provided with simultaneous translation, the text of abstracts and programs of the symposium was distributed in Russian and Finnish. The exhibition in LO IAAN, dedicated to the symposium, featured materials from recent excavations in the north-western regions of the Soviet Union, which aroused considerable interest among the participants of the meeting, especially scientists from Finland.
At the opening of the symposium, B. A. Rybakov and K.-F. M e I n ander. They noted the great scientific significance of the symposium for studying the ancient history of the Slavic and Finno-Ugric peoples, as well as for strengthening international scientific cooperation. 8 reports of Soviet scientists and 6 reports of Finnish researchers were heard at the meetings.
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