by Boris PAVLYUTKIN, Dr. Sc. (Geol. & Miner.), leading research assistant of the Laboratory of Regional Geology and Tectonics, Igor CHEK.RYZHOV, research assistant of the Laboratory of Geochemistry, Far-Eastern Geological Institute, RAS Far-Eastern Branch (Vladivostok)
The Earth's sedimentary crust keeps not only the chronicle of the works of our distant forbears-- the object of interest of historians and archeologists- but also no less interesting testimonies of evolution of different components of the environment. Moreover, the latter had been registered in the natural "memory book" long before the appearance of man himself. Undoubtedly the plant cover also belongs there.
Non-specialists are usually greatly impressed by fossilized residues of the plants, growing for the last 65 mln years. This is natural as it was just in that interval called the Cainozoic that a majority of them acquired an appearance close to the contemporary. In the geochronological interval of 33-35 mln years, the plant world of the early Cainophyte, which had formed in the late Cretaceous, when dinosaurs were still alive, changed into the plant cover of the late Cainophyte. So, we will talk here about two representatives of the late Cainozoic geoflora, the location of which coincides with the southern sector of Primorski Krai.
Paleobotany as a scientific trend in paleontology is based on studies of fossilized vegetative (leaves, leafy and leafless shoots, wood) and generative residues (fruits, seeds, spores, pollen). If the abovementioned objects get
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Location of Voznovo and Kraskino floras (poured triangles).
into a water body, they have a chance to pass to a fossilized state under a layer of mineral ooze or volcanic ash. In the conditions of oxygen deficit there take place complex processes of mummification, then fossilization (petrification) or coalification in them--depending on physico-chemical specifics of the medium.
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