Soviet historical science in Lithuania was formed mainly after the Great Patriotic War. The first major generalizing works and monographs of a research nature were published in the 50s-60s. This is due to a number of reasons. Although some of the older historians are I. Ioninas, P. Pakarklis, K. Jablonskis, A. Janulaitis, and Yu. After the end of the war, Jug Zhda and Yu. Yurginis became actively involved in the work, but their efforts were not enough. Therefore, the task of training historians at that time was very acute. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, as well as higher educational institutions of Moscow and Leningrad provided great assistance to Lithuanian historians in this matter.
Lithuanian historical science was formed in those years when Soviet historiography showed signs of subjectivism and dogmatism in the assessment of certain events and situations. This led to a slow development of historical science in the republic, which was reflected, in particular, in the late creation of serious research works.
For historians of the Lithuanian SSR, Marxist theory and its application in scientific research were not entirely new. The fact is that the first works on the history of the working class and the struggle for Soviet power in Lithuania in 1918-1919 were written back in the 20s and 30s by prominent figures of the Communist Party of Lithuania V. Mickevicius - Kapsukas and Z. Alexa - Angaretis1 . S. Matulaitis 2 and progressive Lithuanian historians and publicists A. Bimba, R. Mizara and others who lived in the USA worked in the same direction at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR3 .
Currently, the center of research on the history of Lithuania is the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, founded in early 1941. It coordinates the scientific activities of the republic's historians. The Institute of Party History under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania, a branch of the Institute of Marxism - Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU, directs the scientific work of teachers of the history of the CPSU and Scientific Communism.
In mastering the Marxist methodology, developing a periodization of the history of Lithuania and assessing the complex issues of its past, historians of the Republic of Lithuania are interested in:-
1 V. Kapsukas. Trumpa Lietuvos socialdemokraty partijos istorija. I ir Ildalis. Voronezas. 1920; ejusd. Pirmoji Lietuvos proletarine revoliucija ir Tarybu. valdzia. 1st Ed. - Chicago, 1934; ed. 2nd-Vilnius, 1958; Z. Angarietis. Lietuvos revoliucinio judejimo ir darbininku kovos istorija. In two parts [Smolensk] 1921-1922; ejusd. LKP ikurimas ir proletarine revolucija Lietuvoje (1918 - 1919). V. 1962.
2 S. Matulaitis. 1863 metai Lietuvoje. Minskas. 1933.
3 A. Bimba. Lietuvos respublika ir jos ateitis. Brooklyn. 1926; ejusd. Naujoji Lietuva faktu ir dokumentu sviesoje. Brooklyn. 1940; ejusd. Musu parama lietuviu tautai antrojo pasaulinio karo metu. Brooklyn. 1945; R. Mizara. Kelias i laime. V. 1955; ejusd. Apie tave, gimtoji zeme. V. 1962.
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Prominent scientists from Moscow and the fraternal republics who took an active part in meetings and conferences held in Vilnius helped the audience. In 1951, a meeting of historians was convened to periodize the history of the Lithuanian SSR. In 1953, the second joint scientific session on the history of the Baltic peoples was held, where the problems of the national liberation movement in the Baltic States were discussed. In 1954, the layout of the first volume of the Lithuanian SSR was discussed. Academician M. N. Tikhomirov, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences took an active part in the discussion. Zutis, L. V. Cherepin, V. K. Yatsunsky, N. V. Ustyugov, V. T. Pashuto and others. Many topical issues of the feudal era were considered, primarily related to the then poorly understood socio-economic development of Lithuania.
Lithuanian, Russian, and Polish bourgeois historiography was primarily interested in the political history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as well as the legal position of Lithuania as part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This was due to the state of the archives and the availability of sources. Agricultural history has hardly been studied; a little more attention has been paid to the emergence of serfdom and the volochnaya reform carried out in the XVI century.
The primary task of Lithuanian Soviet historians was to create generalizing courses on the history of Lithuania. At the same time, work was underway on a multi-volume and a single-volume book, the latter being published in 1958.4 . It summarized the history of Lithuania from ancient times to 1957. Due to the fact that it was prepared at a time when monographic studies were still lacking, some issues of political life, as well as modern and modern times, are covered in it rather superficially and schematically. The multi-volume book on the history of the Lithuanian SSR 5 (only three volumes have been published so far) is a major work in which the history of the Lithuanian people is described from ancient times to 1970. Unlike all previous courses and textbooks on the history of Lithuania, it is the first to fully cover the development of productive forces and production relations, the class struggle, the formation of class society and the feudal state, the enslavement of the peasants, the disintegration of serfdom, the emergence of the capitalist mode of production, and the liberation struggle of the Lithuanian people.
In 1968, the first volume of the "History of the City of Vilnius"6 (from ancient Times to 1917) was published, which was awarded the Republican prize. In contrast to the tendency that appeared in the Lithuanian historical literature in the post-war years to attribute the time of the city's foundation to an earlier period, 7 the authors argued that the date of Vilnius ' foundation is 1323. The book uses new materials related to political and socio-cultural life, the activities of urban institutions, socio-economic relations, provides a lot of ethnographic information about the life of citizens, their customs, clothing, celebrations, etc. There is also a work on the history of one of the oldest higher educational institutions in the country, Vilnius University, founded in 1579.8 . Vilnius University has for some time been one of the largest cultural centers not only in Lithuania, but throughout Eastern Europe.
4 "Lietuvos TSR istorija. Nuo seniausiu. iki 1957 m". V. 1958.
5 "Lietuvos TSR istorija". T. I - III. V. 1957 - 1965. Currently, the staff of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR has prepared the fourth volume " History of the Lithuanian SSR (1940-1965)".
6 J. Jurginis, V. Merkys, A. Tautavicius. Vilniaus miesto istorija. V. 1968.
7 R. Batura. XIII a. Lietuvos sostines klausimu. "Lietuvos TSR Mokslu. akademijos darbai". Serija A, 1966, 1 (20).
8 "Vilniaus universitetas". V. 1966.
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After the end of the Great Patriotic War, it became a true forge of cadres of the Lithuanian Soviet intelligentsia.
Recently, much attention has been paid to the creation of historical maps. The Department of Cartography of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Vilnius University is working on an Atlas of the Lithuanian SSR. The Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR prepared for him a series of historical maps covering the republic's past from ancient times to the present day.
Due to the fact that Lithuanian historians have discovered many new archival documents and materials, a number of collections of documents were published in the post-war period, including four volumes of "Documents and Materials on the History of the Lithuanian SSR"published in 1955-1965 .9 Several thematic collections of documents are devoted to the feudal period of Lithuania. They contain documents related to the court cases of peasants, and inventory of state estates. Inventories reflect the status of peasants, serfdom duties, and contain a lot of linguistic, ethnographic, and other information. 10 Documents describing the situation of Lithuanians in Prussia of the XVIII-XIX centuries were published 11 . Separate publications cover the events of the 1905 - 1907 revolution in Lithuania, the proletarian Revolution of 1918-1919, and the struggle for Soviet power, as well as the restoration of Soviet power in Lithuania in 1940.12 .
Historians of Lithuania and Belarus, together with historians of Moscow and Poland, participated in the preparation of collections of documents on the uprising of 186313 . Small publications of documents and rare editions are published under the general title "Akta historica Lituanica". In this series, along with the original text, Gedimin's letters and Kazimir's sudebnik, which have become inaccessible to researchers, are published in translation into Lithuanian. 14 A rich material is published about the treasure found by archaeologists near the town of Stuklishkes , 15 about the culture, literature and language of Lithuanians, a number of ancient publications, biographies, memoirs and notes of contemporaries, including those of great interest. the value of the book of the XVI century publicists I. Lasicius on the Samogite gods and fragments of M. Lituani's works on the customs of the Tatars, Muscovites and Lithuanians 16 . The Central Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR also publishes historical documents. Of great scientific interest is her two-volume publication on the history of paper in Lithuania in the XV-XVIII centuries 17 .
Along with generalizing works on the history of the Lithuanian SSR and publishing documents, historians of the republic in the post-war period prepared many monographs on various problems of Lithuanian development in the pre-Soviet and Soviet times. Research articles are published in such periodical scientific publications as" Proceedings " of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR. Series " A "(published three times a year);" Istorija "("History") - works of teachers of higher educational institutions;" LKP istorijos klausimai "("Questions of the History of the Communist Party of Lithuania") - works of party historians.
8 The feudal period of Lithuania's history, including the historiography of this period, has been successfully studied over the past twenty years.-
9 "Lietuvos TSR istorijos saltiniai". T. I - IV. V. 1955 - 1965.
10 "Lawsuits of Lithuanian peasants and residents of small towns with estate managers". In three parts. V. 1959-1969; "Inventory of Lithuania of the XVII century". V. 1962.
11 "Prusijos valdzios gromotos, pagraudenimai ir apsakymai lietuviams valstieciams". V. 1960.
12 "The Revolution of 1905-1907 in Lithuania". V. 1961; "The struggle for Soviet Power in Lithuania". V. 1967; "Tarybu valdzios atkurimas Lietuvoje 1940-1941 metais". V. 1965.
13 "The Revolutionary Upsurge in Lithuania and Belarus in 1861-1862", Moscow, 1964; "The Uprising in Lithuania and Belarus in 1863-1864", Moscow, 1965.
14 "Gedimino Iaiskai". V. 1966; "Kazimiero teisynas (1468 m.)". V. 1967.
15 V. Daugudis. Stakliskiu lobis. V. 1968.
16 J. Lasickis. Apie zemaiciu, kitu sarmatu bei netikru krikscioniu dievus. V. 1969; M. Lietuvis. Apie totoriu, lietuviu ir maskvenu paprocius. V. 1966.
17 E. Laucevicius. Popierius Lietuvoje. V. 1967.
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rioda. The first monograph on the history of Lithuanian chronicles was created 18 . For a long time, there was no consensus in the historical literature about the time of the emergence of feudalism in Lithuania. Ioninas argued that the feudal lords in Lithuania appeared only in the reign of Vytautas 19, refuting the opinion of historians of the XIX century. the fact that the feudal nobility was formed here in the XIII century, during the reign of Mindovg; he justified his point of view by the fact that only in the XV century did the category of Veldam peasants arise. At the same time, I. Ioninas did not take into account the presence of other categories of peasants - Parobki and Kaymintsy. Yu. Yurginis showed the process of decomposition of primitive society and the formation of new feudal relations 20 . He stressed that feudal land ownership in Lithuania did not originate from public ownership; first, private land ownership appeared, which became the basis for the emergence of feudal land ownership. Yurginis studied feudal duties of peasants, the procedure for their establishment and modification. At the same time, he examines the process of enslavement of peasants not only from the legal side (as did the Russian historians of the XIX century F. Leontovich, I. Novitsky, M. Vladimirsky - Budanov and their follower I. Ioninas), but also tries to reveal the whole set of socio-economic changes that took place. Peru Yu. Yurginis is also responsible for research in the field of culture and science of the feudal period, he finds out the reasons for the relatively late establishment of Christianity in Lithuania, analyzes the phenomena of the Renaissance and humanism in Lithuania, and the conditions that contributed to the rapid strengthening of the Jesuit influence here .21
A significant place in the works of Lithuanian historians is occupied by the struggle against the Crusaders .22 In 1960, when the 550th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald was celebrated, the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR organized a special scientific conference, and then published a collection of articles "The Lithuanian War with the Crusaders" 23 (authors Yu. Jurginis, M. Yucas, B. Dundulis, R. Jasas, etc.), which covers the more than 200-year struggle of the Lithuanian people against the orders of the Crusaders and swordsmen. Diplomatic relations after the Battle of Grunwald are thoroughly studied, 24 as well as the struggle of Lithuania for state independence in the 15th century. 25 B. Dundulis for the first time deeply explored the issue that was not sufficiently addressed in Lithuanian, Polish and Russian bourgeois historiography - the struggle of Lithuanian princes and boyars for the preservation of the State of Lithuania after the Union of Kreva (1385). their own hands of state power and independence from Poland. Unlike his bourgeois predecessors, B. Dundulis was able not only to analyze the political and diplomatic relations of Lithuania with Poland and other neighboring states, but also to explain the socio-economic reasons for these relations.
Questions of the disintegration of feudal economy and the genesis of capitalism also attracted the attention of Lithuanian researchers .26 As is known, the disintegration of feudalism and the formation of capitalist relations in Lithuania took place during the period of change in the political situation in the country associated with the division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the annexation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
18 M. Jucas. Lietuvos metrasciai. V. 1968.
19 "Lietuviu. tautos istorija I. Jonyno paskaitu. uzrasai". Kaunas, 1928 (as a manuscript).
20 J. Jurginis. Baudziavos isigalejimas Lietuvoje. V. 1962.
21 J. Jurginis. Kazimieras Lyscinskis - ateizmo pradininkas Lietuvoje. V. 1955.
22 R. Varakauskas. Pilenu. gynimas. V. 1960.
23 "Lietuviu kova su kryziuociais", V, 1964.
24 B. Dundulis. Lietuviu kova del Uznemunes ir Zemaitijos. V. 1966.
25 B. Dundulis. Lietuvos kova del valstybinio savarankiskumo XV a. V. 1968.
26 L. Mulevicius, M. Yuchas. Some questions of the genesis of capitalism in Lithuania. V. 1968.
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Lithuania to the Russian Empire. As a result of the created economic and political contradictions, major uprisings took place in Lithuania and Poland in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The study of the uprising of 1831 in Lithuania, in fact, is just beginning 27 . As for the uprising of 1863, the centenary of which was widely celebrated in 1963, a number of studies have already been devoted to it, in which this uprising in Lithuania is interpreted as a bourgeois-democratic revolution, the purpose of which was to eliminate feudal relations, as well as the struggle against national and religious oppression. Lithuanian historians S. Lazutka and L. Bichkauskas-Gentvila 28, identifying the causes of the movement, noted that in many regions of Lithuania, the uprising of 1863 was a direct continuation of the struggle against the predatory nature of the reform of 1861 and the arbitrariness of the tsarist administration.
In bourgeois historiography, the uprising of 1863 was interpreted as a performance of the Polish gentry. Based on a wealth of factual material, acad. Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR Yu. Jugjda and other Soviet historians have shown that the uprising was broader in nature and was directed against tsardom and landlords, and that in Lithuania at least half of its participants were peasants. 29 Jugjda considers the peasants to be the main driving force behind the uprising. He revealed the democratic trend among the leaders of the uprising, which was manifested, in particular, in the demand of A. Mackevicius to grant the Lithuanian people land and the right of self-government. Yu. Jugzhda showed the great influence of the ideas of the Russian revolutionary democrats (N. G. Chernyshevsky, A. I. Herzen, etc.) on the ideology of the progressive Lithuanian intelligentsia of that time, as well as the close connection of the leaders of the uprising in Lithuania, Z. Serakovsky, K. Kalinovsky, A. Mackevicius and Russian revolutionary Democrats 30 . Lithuanian historians have carefully traced the course of the uprising, the organization of the rebels, identified the leaders of individual detachments, and made calculations of the participants in the insurrection31 .
During the last twenty years, we have studied the peculiarities of the abolition of serfdom in Lithuania, the differentiation of peasants after the reform of 1861, and their legal status .32 In bourgeois historiography, there was an opinion that in Lithuania, after the reform, the peasants received more land than they had cultivated before, since the tsarist government allegedly turned its repressions against the landlords for participating in the 1863 uprising .33 Lithuanian historians have established that after the uprising of 1863, Lithuanian peasants received only the land that they had cultivated before the reform; the development of capitalism here followed the Prussian path and at almost the same pace as in the central regions of Russia.
Industrial development in Lithuania was studied by V. Merkis34 . In contrast to the claims that the Lithuanian industry is creating-
27 F. Sliesoriunas. Klasiniai priestaravimai 1830 - 1831 metu sukilime. "Lietuvos TSR Mokslu. akademijos darbai". Serija A, 1965, 1 (18); ejusd. 1830 - 1831 m. sukileliu valdzia Lietuvoje. "Lietuvos TSR Mokslu akademijos darbai". Serija A, 1966, 1 (20).
28 S. A. Lazutka. The revolutionary situation in Lithuania in 1859-1862 M. 1961; L. Bickauskas-Gentvila. 1863 metu sukilimas Lietuvoje. V. 1959.
29 Yu. I. Yugzhda. Reflection of the agrarian question in the uprising of 1863-1864 in Lithuania. "Yearbook on the agricultural history of Eastern Europe. 1963". V. 1964.
30 Yu. I. Yugzhda. The development of the democratic movement in Lithuania in the 60s of the XIX century and the influence of the Russian revolutionary democratic movement on it. "Historical notes". Vol. 45. 1954; his. Antanas Mackevicius-Lietuvos valstieciu vadovas kovoje pries carizma ir dvarininkus. V. 1951.
31 O. Maksimaitiene. Lietuvos sukileliu kovos 1863 - 1864 m. V. 1969.
32 "Lietuvos valstieciai XIX amziuje". V. 1957; L. Mulevicius. Laisvuju zmoniu kova del zemes Lietuvoje 1864 - 1882 metais. "Lietuvos TSR Mokslu akademijos darbai". Serija A, 1969, 2 (13); ejusd. Laisvuju. zmoniu zemevalda Lietuvoje XIX a. pabaigoje XX a. pradzioje. "Lietuvos TSR Mokslu akademijos darbai". Serija A, 1963, 1 (14).
33 V. I. Anisimov. Allotments. "The Great Reform", Vol. VI. V. 1911.
34 V. Merkis. Industrial development and formation of the Lithuanian Proletariat in the 19th century.
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He proved that industry in the first half of the nineteenth century began to develop on landlords ' estates.
V. Merkis believes that the proletariat of Lithuania was formed mainly from residents of cities and towns, ruined artisans and poor peasants. The sources of formation of the proletariat also determined its national composition. In the towns and villages, the majority of the population were Jews and artisans of other nationalities. Because of this, workers of Lithuanian nationality were in the minority there. V. Merkis showed the process of growing class consciousness of the Lithuanian proletariat and the influence that the Russian revolutionary movement exerted on it. He researched the activities of the revolutionary Democrats, Narodniks, and early Marxists in Lithuania .36
The most important issues of Lithuanian history in the second half of the 19th century are the development of the national liberation movement and the formation of the Lithuanian national bourgeoisie. Unfortunately, they are not yet sufficiently developed in Lithuanian Soviet historiography. The activation of the national liberation movement was facilitated by the presence in Lithuania of feudal remnants that hindered the development of productive forces, the arbitrariness of landowners and tsarist officials, and the political disenfranchisement of the people. In generalizing courses and other works, historians distinguish two trends in the national liberation movement in Lithuania: bourgeois - reactionary and progressive, peasant 37 . The reactionary character of the Lithuanian bourgeoisie is explained by the fact that it entered the political arena late, when capitalism had already developed into its highest stage - imperialism, and the proletariat had already formed as a class and risen to the revolutionary struggle. According to R. Webra's calculations, 93% of the Lithuanian bourgeoisie came from the well-to-do strata of the peasantry. It immediately began to fight for economic primacy in the countryside, for markets, and also against the bourgeoisie of other nationalities .38
The works of Lithuanian historians show quite extensively the activities of the first revolutionary workers ' organizations, the spread of Lenin's Iskra in Lithuania, the role of F. E. Dzerzhinsky in the development of the revolutionary movement in Lithuania, and the great significance of V. I. Lenin's visit to Vilnius for Lithuanian revolutionaries. 39 Lithuanian historians have convincingly shown that the revolutionary struggle of 1905-1907 in Lithuania was an integral part of the first bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia40 . Describing the revolutionary events in Lithuania during this period, in particular the actions of the peasantry and
35 Z. E. Abergauz. On the formation of the proletariat in Belarus. "Proceedings" of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. Issue 3. Minsk. 1958.
36 V. Merkys. Narodninkai ir pirmieji marksistai Lietuvoje. V. 1967; ejusd. Liudvikas Janavicius. V. 1964; ejusd. Darbininku judejimas Vilniuje 1905 - 1907 m. revoliucijos isvakarese. V. 1957; ejusd. Lietuvos valstieciu ir zemes ukio darbininku judejimas 1901 - 1904 metais. V. 1959.
37 "Lietuvos TSR istorija". T. II. V. 1963; R. Sarmaitis. Kai kurie XIX amziaus antrosios puses Lietuvos nacionalinio issivaduojamojo judejimo istorijos klausimai. V. 1953.
38 R. Webra. Formation of the national bourgeoisie in Lithuania in the second half of the 19th century. Abstract of the candidate's thesis. V. 1966; ejusd. Lietuvos kataliku, dvasininkija ir visuomeninis judejimas (XIX a. antroji puse). V. 1968.
39 C. Fradkina. Leninine "Iskra" Lietuvoje. V. 1951; Yu. Komodaite. Revolutionary activity of F. E. Dzerzhinsky in Lithuania in 1895-1899. "Historical Notes", vol. 45, 1954; P. Freidheimas. Marksizmo-leninizmo pradininku, veikalai Lietuvoje. V. 1964; A. Liaukonis. F. Dzerzinskio revoliucine veikla Lietuvoje. V. 1961.
40 P. Girdzijauskiene. 1905 - 1907 m. revoliucija Lietuvoje. V. 1955; ее же. Revolution of 1905-1907 in the national regions of Russia, Moscow, 1955; J. Jurginis. 1905 metu. revoliucijos ivykiai Vilniuje. V. 1958; Б. Глик. The rise of the revolutionary movement in Lithuania in the autumn of 1905. "Lietuvos TSR Aukstuju moksklu mokslo darbai". "istorija". T. III. V. 1962; E. Griskunaite. Lietuvos gelezinkelininkai 1905 m. revoliucijoje. "Lietuvos TSR Mokslu, akademijos darbai". Serija A, 1959, 1 (6).
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The researchers concluded that their struggle was directed against the tsarist autocracy. There did not seem to be any political clashes between peasants and landlords; the struggle was only over easement rights, mainly where the issues of forests, pastures and pastures were not resolved and remained controversial .41 In some places, the peasants supported the division of estates, but only state, church (confiscated in the middle of the XIX century) and landowners, confiscated after the uprising of 1863.
When studying the revolutionary struggle of the Lithuanian working people during the Stolypin reaction and during the years of the new revolutionary upsurge, the main attention was paid to the actions of Lithuanian revolutionaries aimed at ensuring that Lithuanian social democracy remained loyal to Marxist positions, strengthening the influence of the Bolsheviks on the Lithuanian Social Democrats, and their ties with V. I. Lenin42 .
The problems of the First World War are still poorly studied in Lithuania. Research is mainly conducted in two aspects: exposing the colonialist policy of the German imperialists in Litva43 and identifying various forms of resistance of the Lithuanian people to the German occupiers .44 Lithuania, as A. Strazhas showed, was for them a military springboard for an attack on Russia. In addition, the German imperialists sought to establish their own colony in Lithuania.
Historians of the republic pay much attention to the Great October Socialist Revolution and the establishment of Soviet power in Lithuania in 1918 - 1919. This problem in bourgeois historiography was either hushed up or covered schematically and distorted. As mentioned above, it was first developed by the founders of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government of Lithuania, V. Kapsukas and Z. Kropotkin. Angaretis. Their works were based on personal memoirs and documents of the first Soviet government of Lithuania. Special attention was paid to the founding of the Communist Party of Lithuania, the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power in the republic, and the first steps of its Government. In the post-war years, historians who studied this problem were based on the works of V. Kapsukas and Z. Angaretis, complementing them with new factual material 45 . The question of the struggle for Soviet power in Lithuania in 1918-1919 was most thoroughly investigated by B. Vaitkevicius46 . He analyzed the causes of the socialist revolution in Lithuania, its social base, revealed the class contradictions in Lithuania at the end of the First World War, and tried to find out the position of bourgeois and petty-bourgeois parties in relation to Soviet power.
41 A. Tyla. 1905 metu revoliucija Lietuvos kaime. V. 1968.
42 Yu. Andryushaitite. The situation and struggle of the Lithuanian working class during the period of Reaction (1907-1910). "LKP istorijos klausimai". T. I. 1959; same name. Ideological struggle in Lithuania during the period of Reaction (1907-1910). "LKP istorijos klausimai". T. II. V. 1962; E. Griskunaite. Darbininku judejimas Lietuvoje 1908 - 1914 metais. V. 1959.
43 A. Strazhas. The colonial regime of the German imperialists in Lithuania during the First World War. "Voprosy istorii", 1958, N 12; his. The influence of pan-Germanism on the official policy of Kaiser Germany in the light of the Oberost Land (1915-1918). "Lietuvos TSR Aukstuju. mokyklu mokslo darbai". "Istorija". T. VIII. 1966.
44 City Of Raudelunen. Resistance of the Lithuanian people to the German invaders during the First World War (1915-1918). Author's abstract of the candidate's dissertation. V. 1969.
45 J. Ziugzda. Lietuviu tautos kova del Tarybu valdzios 1918 - 1919 m. V. 1948; R. Sarmaitis. Darbo zmoniu kova del Tarybu valdzios Lietuvoje 1918 - 1919 m. V. 1948; ejusd. Anglo-amerikoniskuju imperialistu, intervencija Lietuvoje 1918 - 1920 m. V. 1955; ejusd. Lietuvos Komunistu partijos Pirmojo suvaziavimo susaukimo istorijos klausimu. V. 1954; J. Anicas, S. Noreikiene. Lietuvos reikalu komisariato veikla 1917-1918, M. V. 1959; "40 years" (Collection of articles). V. 1958; "The struggle for Soviet power in the Baltic States" M. 1957.
46 B. Vaitkevicius. Socialistine revoliucija Lietuvoje 1918 - 1919 metais. V. 1967.
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The period of national bourgeois rule in Lithuania (1919-1940) was most thoroughly studied in Soviet historiography in two aspects: economists studied the situation in agriculture and industry, historians analyzed the situation of the working masses, the class struggle, and the activities of the Communist Party of Lithuania and the progressive organizations under its influence, directed against the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. 47 However, many issues related to the history of this period (the bourgeois land reform, the nature of the peasants ' strike in Suwalki and Zanemanya in 1935, the creation of the anti-fascist popular front, the activities of the petty - bourgeois Lyaudinnik and Social-Democrat parties, the revolutionary situation of 1939-1940, etc.) are still debatable.
Lithuanian historians pay great attention to studying the history of the socialist Revolution of 1940. This is largely due to the fact that this problem is the main target of attacks by reactionary Lithuanian emigration and imperialist propaganda. In addition, the problem of the 1940 revolution is not equally assessed by Soviet historians of the Baltic States. In this regard, a scientific discussion of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian historians was held in Tallinn in May 1969, organized by the Social Sciences Section of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the corresponding branches of the Academies of Sciences of the Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian SSR, and the Institutes of Party History .48 In the course of it, it became clear that some historians of the Baltic republics (V. Maamyagi and others) believe that in 1940 there were two revolutions at once - the democratic and the socialist. Other researchers believe that the struggle for the solution of democratic and socialist problems in 1940 consisted of two stages of a single process. Although the first month of the 1940 revolution was dominated by democratic changes, mainly concerning the social and economic life of the Baltic republics, the political tasks and activities throughout the entire period of the revolution were socialist in nature (V. Miller). The prevailing view in Lithuanian historiography is that the 1940 revolution in Lithuania was socialist from the very beginning; the overthrow of the fascist regime also meant the elimination of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The formation of a People's Government, which exercised the dictatorship of the proletariat in the country, was the first step towards the victory of the socialist revolution. The democratization of Lithuania's political and economic life was aimed at strengthening the position of the working class and eliminating bourgeois elements from the state apparatus and the army. 49 Truth,
47 J. Ziugzda. Tarybu. Rusijos pagalba Lietuviu, tautai apginant savo laisve ir nepriklausomybe 1939 - 1940 metais. V. 1949; jeusd. Lietuvos kaimo darbo zmoniu kova del zemes burzuazijos viespatavimo metais. V. 1950; P. Staras. Visuotinis politinis darbininku, streikas Kaune 1936 metais. V. 1956; A. Gaigalaite. Darbininku. judejime pakilimas Lietuvoje 1929 - 1934 metais. V. 1957; J. Leonavicius ir J. Maksimavicius. Valstieciu sreikas Suvalkijoje ir Dzukijoje 1935 m. V. 1958; S. Atamukas. LKP kova pries fasizma uz Tarybu. valdzia Lietuvoje 1935 - 1940 metais. V. 1958; A. Gulbinskiene. Kovingas partijos zodis. V. 1958; J. Jurginis. Kauno igulos kareiviu sukilmias 1920 metais. V. 1961; B. Sudavicius. LKP kova uz darbininku klases vienybe (1934 - 1937). V. 1961; E. Dirvele. Klasiu kova Lietuvoje 1926 metais. V. 1961; S. Cepuliene. Profsajunginis judejimas Lietuvoje 1919 - 1926 m. V. 1964; A. Berzinskaite. LKP veikla, auklejant Lietuvos darbo zmones proletarinio internacionalizmo dvasia 1927 - 1940 m. V. 1964.
48 "On the nature of the 1940 Revolution in the Baltic States". Materials of the scientific discussion. Tallinn. 1970.
49 Yu. Yugzhda. The destruction of the fascist regime and the restoration of Soviet power in Lithuania. "Reports and Messages" of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Issue IV, Moscow, 1955; K. Tishkevich. The struggle of the Communist Party of Lithuania for Socialist Transformation (1940-1941). "History of the CPSU", Issue I. M. 1959; V. Kantsevicius. Victory of the Socialist Revolution in Lithuania. "Abstracts of scientific conference reports on July 16-19, 1965". V. 1965.
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lawyers and some party historians emphasize the period of the People's Government and characterize the revolutionary events of June 17-July 21, 1940 as a stage of the anti-fascist revolution and general democratic transformations .50
Among the issues of the Great Patriotic War, the struggle of Lithuanian workers against the fascist invaders, as well as the occupation regime in Lithuania, are the most thoroughly researched 51 . Numerous new materials are contained in P. Shtaras 'book" The Partisan Movement in Lithuania during the Great Patriotic War " 52, which was awarded the Republican Prize in 1969. The author-a member of the partisan movement, secretary of the underground Komsomol organization of Kaunas and Uyezd-showed the organizational and political activities of the party and the Komsomol in the underground. Lithuanian historians in recent years have also compiled data on the participation of Lithuanians in battles with the enemy on various fronts of the Great Patriotic War, traced the path of the Lithuanian 16th Division and its participation in the liberation of the Republic of Belarus .
Over the past decade, the problems of building socialism in the republic have been studied more widely. Both economists and historians pay more attention to the development of industry and agriculture in the republic 54 . As a result, the sources of the formation of the working class of Soviet Lithuania are revealed, the cultural and technical growth of cadres is shown, and the history of the working class of the republic from 1940 to 196555 is traced . While studying the changes that took place in the working class and collective farm peasantry of Lithuania during the years of building socialism, as well as in the initial period of the struggle for building a communist society, historians emphasize the improvement of the material well-being of workers, the great work done by the Communist Party of Lithuania in improving their cultural and technical level .56
The article successfully examines the course of agrarian reforms in the republic carried out by the Soviet government in 1940-1941. Until recently, some historians have exaggerated the importance of landownership in Lithuania, believing that the bourgeois land reform strengthened the position of not only the rural bourgeoisie, but also the landlords .57 At present, economists and historians have proved that by 1940 there were no semi-feudal relations in Lithuanian agriculture; even the landlords of bourgeois Lithuania, who owned a little more than 2% of the total land area of the country, did not exist.
50 "Essays on the development of statehood in the Soviet Baltic Republics of 1940-1965", Tallinn, 1965.
51 "Kovoje pries hitlerine okupacija. Lietuvos KP(b) atsisaukimai Didziojo Tevynes karo metu". V. 1948; P. Staras. Lietuviu tautos kova uz Tevynes laisve Didziajame Tevynes kare. V. 1956; "Hitlerine okupacija Lietuvoje". V. 1961.
52 P. Staras. Partizaninis judejimas Lietuvoje Didziojo Tevynes karo metais. V. 1966.
53 J. Dobrovolskas. Lietuviai kariai Didziojo Tevynes karo frontuose. V. 1967; "The struggle for the Soviet Baltic States in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". In three volumes. Riga. 1969.
54 K. Meskauskas, Tarybu Lietuvos industrializavimas. V. 1966; M. Gregorauskas. Tarybu Lietuvos zemes ukis 1940 - 1960. V. 1960.
55 K. Surblys. Tarybu Lietuvos darbininku klase. V. 1965.
56 H. Sadzius. Vilniaus pramones darbininku kulturinio-techninio lygio kilimas socialistinio statybos laikotarpiu (1944 - 1953), "Is lietuviu kulturos istorijos". T. IV, V. 1964; Я. Валяускайте. Activities of the Lithuanian Communist Party aimed at improving the cultural and technical level of the republic's industrial workers. 1952-1958 Abstract of the candidate's thesis: V. 1966; E. Baltinene. Activity of the Communist Party of Lithuania in the field of improving the cultural and technical level of the republic's workers during the years of building communism (1959-1965). Abstract of the candidate's dissertation. V. 1966; N. Kuncite. The rise of the cultural and technical level of industrial workers of the Lithuanian SSR in 1945-1963. Abstract of the candidate's dissertation. V. 1966.
57 J. Ziugzda. Lietuvos kaimo darbo zmoniu kova del zemes burzuazinio valdymo metais. V. 1952; J. Maiminas. Teorijos ir tikrove. V. 1966; E. Maiminas. Anti-people policy of bourgeois parties in the land question in Lithuania. "Kommunist" (Vilnius), 1958, No. 1."
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land owners who conducted their economy in a capitalist way 58 . A special feature of the socialist reconstruction of agriculture in the republic is the completion of this process in a relatively short time. This was possible due to the fact that Lithuania could use the experience of other Soviet republics, as well as their assistance in providing equipment and qualified personnel.
Problems of cultural history are also being developed in Soviet Lithuania. As you know, the history of cultural construction is an area of acute ideological struggle. During the years of Soviet power, great achievements were made in the development of the culture of the Lithuanian people. Scientists of the republic study the complex process of the cultural revolution, its patterns and features. They examined the first revolutionary transformations in the republic concerning the enlightenment in 1940-1941, the process of eliminating illiteracy and low literacy, showed the sources of formation of the national intelligentsia, the change in its social and professional composition, its participation in the creation of the material and technical base of communism and socialist culture .59 A study of the development of science in Soviet Lithuania, in particular the activities of the Republican Academy of Sciences in 1941-1965, has also been initiated .60
Recently, a broad front has been devoted to the study of individual stages of the Communist Party of Lithuania's activity, its struggle for the development of the republic's agriculture, for the creation and development of industry, and for the ideological and political education of the city and rural workers. This is evidenced by numerous articles published in national periodicals, in the materials of the conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the proletarian Revolution in Lithuania 61 .
Lithuanian historians are also interested in some problems of universal history. M. Geltser managed to identify the specifics of agrarian relations, forms of slavery, the situation of dependent strata of the population, the organization of trade and troops in ancient Ugarit. The agricultural history of England in the 19th and early 20th centuries is studied by A. A. Shishkin. Vaitkunas 62 .
Summing up, it is impossible not to recognize that in a relatively short period of time, historians of Soviet Lithuania have done serious scientific work, primarily in the field of the history of their people. However, many questions of Lithuanian history, especially in the post-war period, are still waiting for researchers. Inspired by the decisions of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, Lithuanian scientists will study the past and present of the Lithuanian people even more actively and contribute to the enhancement of the role of historical science in communist construction.
58 A. P. Efremenko. On the socio-economic nature of the agrarian transformation in Lithuania. 1940 - 1941 гг. "Lietuvos TSR Mokslu akademijos darbai". Seriia A, 1968, N 3; his: Agrarian Transformations in the Lithuanian SSR in 1940-1941 "History of the USSR", 1969, N 5; L. Truska. Lietuvos gyventoju klasines sudetes pakitimas socializmo statybos laikotarpiu (1940-1951). "Medziaga Lietuvos TSR istorijai destyti XI klaseje". V. 1968.
59 M. Burokevicius. Tarybu Lietuvos inteligentijos susiformavimas. "Leninizmo pergale Lietuvoje", V. 1970; see also: "Ideological work of party organizations in modern conditions", Moscow, 1963.
60 "Mokslas Tarybu Lietuvoje". V. 1960; "Lietuvos TSR Mokslu akademija" XXV. V. 1967.
61 "Spailo revoliucija ir visuomeniniai mokslai Lietuvoje" V. 1967; "Spailo revoliucijos keliu". V. 1967; "Lietuvos komjaunimui 50 metu". V. 1969; "Uz socializmo sukurima Lietuvoje". V. 1969.
62 M. Geltser. Temple land ownership in ancient Ugarit. "Aukstuju mokyklu mokslo darbai". T. 6. 1964; его же. Compulsory land ownership in ancient Ugarit. "Aukstuju mokyklu mokslo darbai". T. 9. 1968; его же. The royal administration in ancient Ugarit. "Aukstuju mokyklu mokslo darbai". T. 10. 1969; А. Вайткунас. Agrarian policy of the British Conservatives at the end of the 19th century (Smallholdings Act of 1842)." Aukstuju mokyklu mokslo darbai". T. I. 1958.
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