The Russian Epic namebook contains interesting information about the genre and stylistic norms of the Russian epic tradition. We made an attempt to systematize the namebook of Russian epics according to the records of A. F. Hilferding (Gilferding A. F. Onega epics of 1871, St. Petersburg, 1873) using an Index (Vasiliev N. V. Index to Hilferding's Onega Epics, St. Petersburg, 1909), identifying the leading lines of stylistic use of character names and describing their structure. The names of male and female characters are considered in comparison.
Let's start with one-component epic names. In the "Onega Epics" there are only 86 of them, including 75 proper names, 11 surnames (patronyms).
The structure of patronyms is productive and includes, along with the producing base-name, one of the suffixes -ov, - in, -ich, - sk- , etc.
Actually, one-component names, devoid of the usual evaluation suffixes for them-55 and derivatives-20: Andronishche, Fornication, Burko, Vanyushka, Vasenka, Vasilyushko, Vitvichki, Voronko, Goryn (h)ische, Dolgopolyanin, Ondronishche, Poleshanin, Potanyushka, Potashenka, Sokolnik, Ugryumishche, Fomushka, Cherkalenets, Chess-noc. Shamakhi.
Among the derived names of anthroponyms-17, zoonyms-3.For male epic names, the usual magnifying suffix-ische, emphasizing the strength and power of an epic character, and antonyms with a diminutive-affectionate, as well as pejorative meaning for characters of lower social status or zoopersonages.
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Single-component names, as a rule, do not have lexical and phonetic variants, with the exception of the name Vasily (Vasenka, Vasilyushko).
A large number of lexical-phonetic, synonymic, structural variants-characteristics, variants-descriptions are marked only for the names of heroes: Kostryuk (Kostryukovich, Demyan Demyanovich, Temnyuk, Demryuk (ovich), Mastryuk, Mastryuk Chemeryukovich, Kostryukanovich, Debryuk Debryukovich, Cherkalenets, Cherkashenin), Khoten (Khotin, Khotey, Kotenko, Kotenko Bludovich, Bludov son, Bludovskaya, Zbudovich), Churila (Churilka, Churishka, Shchurilo, Plenkovich, Shchaplenkovich, Shchapa Plenkovich), as well as the heroic horse Burko (burushko, shaggy, shaggy, shaggy, shaggy, burushka kosmot'vich, little shaggy, small, kavurushka, mal burushka kavurushka, sivushka-burushka little shaggy, sizburushko shaggy).
The line associated with the heroic horse stands apart: in it, each variant is richly equipped with positive emotional "accompaniment", this is a gentle and affectionate characteristic of the epic horse, inseparable from the favorite folk epic heroes. This is a vivid example of the character of "his" world.
Something different is found in the poetic design of the names Kostryuk and Churila: here, the creation of variants does not involve diminutive affectionate suffixes or stringing emotional epithets designed to evoke a liking for the epic hero, to emphasize his dignity. And the very variants of names emphasize the belonging of their carriers to another, alien, world. Therefore, it doesn't matter what the character is called - Kostryuk or Temnyuk, Mastryuk or Debryuk: they are all outsiders. This can also be amplified by common substitutions of the epic name, as in the case of Kostryuk-Mastryuk-Debryuk, who is then simply called a Circassian, cherkashenin. Let us compare the ethnonym Tatars, represented by the phonetic and grammatical variants Tatarova, tatareva, tatarovya, tatarovya, which are called filthy, infidel, godless, i.e. also related to the" foreign " world.
Naturally, there are fewer single - component female epic names-only 26, with 22 being proper names and only 4 being surnames and patronymics (Bludova, Davydyevna, Pantalovna, Siveryanichna). More than half of women's names are non-derived. As part of derived names, suffixes of diminutive-affectionate, intimate-evaluative, and pejorative semantics are distinguished-usk -, - k -, - och -, - av- (Ustinushka - daughter of a Watch widow, Vladimirka, Semigorka-baba, Natal-yushka - mother of a Nightingale, Chernava - girl and river, on Sadko marries her). In one case (Chernava), the name of the woman coincides with the name of the river.
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Consider two-component (two-word) epic names. Among them, there are 160 male names, including those constructed according to the scheme: first name + patronymic na-ich-69; first name + surname na-in, - ov, - sk-16; first name + place (where you come from) - 12, title + place (where you come from) - 21, first name + gender activities, social status (in the form of an appendix) - 19, other - 23.
In two-component names of the first type, the initial component tends to be stable and lacks colloquial variants. The exception is the name Alexey, which in its full form is given only in combination Alexey Mikhailovich (Tsar of Moscow), in all other cases-Alyosha (actually an epic version), Alyosha (pejoratively in combination Alyosha Baskakov, since it represents the squad of the robber Ilya).
In two-component epic names, suffixes with hints of humiliation and neglect are noted when characters are either from a foreign, hostile world, or of low social status: Alyosha Baskakov (from the bandit Ilya's squad), Vanka Udovkin, Vaska Belozeryanin (Vasily Buslaev's comrade), Grishka Baskakov (from the bandit Ilya's squad), Grishka Otrepyev (rasstriga), Mikulka Selyaginovich (Stavr's servant), Mitka Kozhevnikov (subjected to a whip for the skin of the "big bull"), Mikhalka from Vologda, Senyushka maly, Fedka dyak, etc.
Thus, the evaluative suffixes in epics are semantically opposed to each other: the suffixes - isch-, -usk -, in contrast to the above ones, serve to create a positive emotional image of the epic hero, and this is also emphasized by the evaluative-guiding epithets: Apolonishche slavnoe, Ivanushka Dubrovich, Ivanushko moguchy, etc.
Epic binomial names are distributed differently from the point of view of being inscribed in an ethnic culture, belonging to one's own and someone else's world.
Deeply related to the ethnoculture and forming the core of the Russian epic namesake are binomials that are devoid of isomorphism: in the surname or patronymic, in the name and the epithet that defines it-the name is not repeated and there are no evaluative affixes. These are, for example, binomial names: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Danila Ignatievich-old hero, Vasily Ignatievich - "gol kabatskaya", Ermak Timofeevich-young hero, Ivan Danilevich-twelve-year-old hero, Kosogor-hero, Luka-hero (which, being in the Holy Mountains, did not happen be in Kiev at the time of the Batyga attack), etc.
They are polarly opposed by isomorphic binomials such as Batyga Batygovich, Botiyan Botiyanov, Vakhramey Vakhrameyevich, Vezvyak Vezvyakovich, Demyan Demyanovich. By their very structure, they signal
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about their belonging to an alien world, if not hostile, then indifferent to the epic consciousness.
Between these polar points there is a whole series of transitional types, which are correlated to different degrees and in different ways with the "home" and "foreign" worlds. The belonging of an epic hero to a particular world is clearly signaled primarily by the linguistic means of the name, its structure.
According to the degree of inclusion in your world and the role in its protection, a two-component male epic namesake can be built as follows: Ilya Muromets (slaven, Ilyushka, Ilyushenka, Ileyushka son Ivanovich, peasant son, initial hero, unsudable, one sun in the sky - one hero in Russia, a servant loyal to the prince); Dobrynya Nikitich (Nikitinich, Mikitinets, Mikitin's son, named brother of Alyosha Popovich, a peasant family); Alyosha Popovich (Olesha, Popovsky's son, Popovinets, named-godbrother of Dobrynya); old heroes who are absent in Kiev at the time of the Batyga attack (usually do not participate in battles-Kosogor-Bogatyr, Luka-Bogatyr, Svyatopolk-Bogatyr), plowman-hero (Vikula Selyagin, Selyaninovich); young heroes, active and active (Ermak Timofeevich, Ivan Danilevich); heroes (Don Ivanovich, Danube Ivanovich, Miroshka-hero, Samson Samoilovich, Sukhman Dolmantyevich), good fellows (Ivan Ivanovich - points out the book. Vladimir fiefdom of Churila); well done; heroes who brag about their strength, but are unable to lift the "lying bag" (Kolyvan-hero, Muromlyan-hero, Samson-hero); brothers who come to fight Kostryuk (Andrey Andreevich, Vasily Andreevich, Potapey Andreevich); princes, grand dukes, pious princes (Astrakhan, Afanasy Putyatinsky, Boris Borisovich and his brother Mitri Borisovich, local princes (Bukhara), Karamyshevsky Prince Ivan, Roman Mitrievich, Mikhail Skopin); young boyars, boyar sons (Duke Stepanovich); Cossacks (Grebensky, Zaporozhye, Yaitsky); Tsar Grozny, pregrozny great tsar (Ivan Vasilyevich); tsars ("their own", released by the heroes-Konstantin Bogolyubovich); tsarevich (Vasily Ivanovich, Ivan Tsarevich, Fyodor Ivanovich, Ivan Tsarevich-son of Ivan the Terrible); peasants (Kemsk, fight with Vasily Buslaevich and his squad); vigilantes (Vanyusha novogorozhanin. Kostya Belozeryanin from Vasily Buslaev's squad); a rich peasant (Roman Petushkov); a prince's son (Fyodor Petrovich from Ochakov); kings (Bakhmet Turk, Botian Botianov - king of Sorochinskaya land, Bukhardov king, Bukharian king, Lithuanian king-Ivanushko the mighty marries his daughter, Politovsky king-Potyk's wife's lover, uncle Vitvichkov, Grishka Otrepyev's father-in-law; the Polish King, the Prussian King, the Swedish King); tsars (Alexey Mikhailovich of Moscow, Bukhar Tsar zamor-
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Volshan-tsar, Tsar Vakhramey Vakhrameyevich-father of Potyk's wife, Tsar Vezvyak Vezvyakovich-favours Shchelkan Tver, Water tsar, Tsar Vezjak Tavroljevich - son-in-law of Shchelkan Dudentjevich, Galin (Kalin)-tsar, Tsar Ivan Okuljevich - lover of Potyk's wife, Sea tsar, Santal-tsar-defeated by the Volga, escapes to The Golden Horde, Simeon the Tsar).
This list can be expanded, but the main symmetrically polar iconic figures of the "home" and "foreign" worlds of Russian epics-Ilya Muromets and Idolishche, Prince Vladimir and Kalin-Tsar-will not change their system-forming role in the overall picture. The midpoint between these polar points is filled with bizarrely intertwined variants of names.
Female two-component names in "Onega Epics" - 72, including those constructed according to the scheme: first name + patronymic-51; first name + patronymic from the title (such as Nastasya Korolevichna) - 6; first name + surname (Zbudova vdova, Ogorodnikova vdova) - 2; first name + place (Avdotya Ryazanochka, Poshozerochki babenki, Upavo Tatarska, Khupova Krynskaya, Lemshozerochki babenki) - 5; name + occupation (Elena magiznitsa, Marya Kishochnitsa, Krymskaya polyanitsa-Marya Demryukovna) - 3; zoonyms (Podyn-head, Take away-head-mare; Naui-bird-Volga turns into it) - 3; others - 2.
In a feminine two-component name, both its components are variable: both the name itself and its patronymic part, while both are stylistically neutral: they do not contain word-forming affixes with evaluative meaning, and exclude colloquial speech forms.
A rare exception to this rule is the epic name of Marina Ignatievna, who is not like other epic heroines: she executes many people, poisoned many, including nine heroes, killed three heroes, etc. The patronymic part of her name is similar to the corresponding part of the names of representatives of the "alien" world in epic poetics (cf.: Kaidalovna, Kaidalyevna), and the name itself, varying, includes evaluation suffixes used again in the structure of names of either representatives of the "alien" world or persons of lower social status (cf.: Marinka, Marishka).
The functions of a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and mistress are strictly assigned to a certain range of female names. For example, Omelfa Timofeevna can only be a mother. But the mother of different epic heroes: Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, then Duke Stepanovich, depending on the memory of the narrator, his possession of epic material.
Here is the name list of Dobrynya Nikitich's wife: Avdotya Mikulichna, Vasilisa Nikulichna, Domna Alexandrovna, Katerina Vikulich-
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on, Katerina Mikulichna, Nastasya Vikulichna, Nastasya Nikolaevna, Nastasya Nikulichna.
Name of Alyosha Popovich's wife: Avdotya Mikulichna, Nastasya Vikulichna, Nastasya Nikulichna.
Name of Churila's mistress: Domna Alexandrovna, Katerina Nikulichna, Katerina Mikulichna.
Matronymic relationships of some of the main epic heroes look like this.
Name book of Dobrynya Nikitich's mother: Elena Timofeevna, Emelfa Timofeevna, Efimya Aleksandrovna, Malfa Timofeevna, Mamelfa Timofeevna, Namelfa Timofeevna, Olfa Timofeevna, Omelfa Timofeevna, Ofimya Alexandrovna, Stepanida Obramovna.
Namesake of Duke Stepanovich's mother: Amalfa Timofeevna, Emelfa Timofeevna, Malfa Timofeevna, Mamelfa Timofeevna, Namelfa Timofeevna, Nanerpa Timofeevna, Nastasya Vasilyevna, Omelfa Timofeevna, Ofimya Timofeevna.
Namesake of Vasily Buslaev's mother: Mamelfa Timofeevna, Namelfa Timofeevna, Omelfa Timofeevna, Ofimya Alexandrovna, Fetma Timofeevna.
In the family and kinship relations of any epic hero, the lines of the namesake of the wife and mother are clearly delineated.
The research was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGNF. Grant N 01-04 - 49002a/s.
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