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We know, What the Russian Empire, Since the autocrat Peter the Great, many basic goods have been exported to the West: Decoding, sailcloth, Constructional forest, furs, Horse harness, Mushrooms and be…
21 часов(а) назад
"The Book of St. Augustine" in the Russian translation of the XVI century - the first "selected collection of works" in Russia of the most prominent Western European theologian, Aurelius Augustine (13. XI. 354-28 or 30.VIII. 430). This is a vivid example o…
37 дней(я) назад
Pearls were one of the most common and popular jewelry items in Russia. They were used to embroider both royal clothes and festive outfits of peasants. The image of pearls as a significant detail of artistic narration appears in the works of Russian classi…
37 дней(я) назад
What a flourishing state the Russians would bring literature to if they knew the value of their language. E. R. Dashkova The Department of Literature and Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Dashkova Moscow Institute for the Humanities have …
37 дней(я) назад
This question is often heard in the villages of the north of the Lipetsk region, and it concerns the so-called street, unofficial, undocumented surnames. Probably, there is no place in Russia where namesakes and namesakes would not live. Under such conditi…
37 дней(я) назад
Pushkin is an unsurpassed master of literary jokes, practical jokes, puns, epigrams, and parodies. Wordplay, all kinds of hoaxes were the environment in which the literary tastes of the Pushkin era were formed. "And now a whole system of parody is being fo…
37 дней(я) назад
Gogol liked to repeat that his images would not be alive if every reader did not feel that they were taken "from the same body that we are from." This property of Gogol's images - a certain recognizability, closeness to the soul of each of us - was already…
37 дней(я) назад
S. N. Nosov, in his article "Literature and the Game" published in Novy Mir (1992, No. 2), speaking about Tatyana Tolstoy's short story "Sweet Shura", comes to the conclusion that the author in it "is silent about the essence of being" and narrates only " …
37 дней(я) назад
Of the three named paronyms, the oldest is the adjective massive. For the first time, this word was officially registered almost two hundred years ago (in 1804) in the New Word interpreter and. Yanovsky. Over the years, the meaning of this adjective has pr…
37 дней(я) назад
Journalists rarely agree that their profession is as much a craft as an art, that mastery of the technique of creating text is as necessary as creative inspiration and intuition. However, practice convinces us that in a situation where there is very little…
37 дней(я) назад
The official Russian naming formula consists of three components: personal first name, patronymic , and last name. In the West, two or more personal names are common in the official naming model : Johann Sebastian Bach, Jean Baptiste Poklen, Anna Maria Moz…
37 дней(я) назад
In Russian, there are two homonymous formulas of speech etiquette: your health is a short toast and your health is an outdated address. Formula your (your) health! - "a brief toast, wishing well-being to the addressee before drinking wine" - is included in…
37 дней(я) назад
The mischievous, humorous, unfinished poem" Monk " of the Lyceum period (1813) was not published during the poet's lifetime. It describes the confrontation of the monk Pancratius with the" underground sorcerer " Milk. Molok is the French form of the name M…
37 дней(я) назад
In the XIX century, the verb to take care of is drawn into the orbit of "amorous" words and phrases. On the basis of its meanings "1 - to have care of someone or look after someone; 2 - to hang around someone, please someone", it develops another thing: to…
37 дней(я) назад
VI. Previous articles have shown that in the last decade metaphorical models with conceptual vectors of cruelty, aggressiveness and competition, deviations from the natural order of things (war, crime, sports, etc.) have developed. Another group of strong …
37 дней(я) назад
NOSKOVA, Z. A. Candidate of Philological Sciences In our minds, Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl is a great interpreter of words, but in the texts of his own works there are sometimes such mysterious words that even the famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the living …
37 дней(я) назад
Punctuation errors are sometimes caused by the inability to distinguish between simple and complex sentences, as well as complex conjunctive (compound, compound) and non-conjunctive sentences. To accurately determine what offer you are looking for, we offe…
37 дней(я) назад
Language units that are now considered phraseological units were called differently in the time of V. I. Dahl: sayings, sentences, proverbs, aphorisms. When V. I. Dahl created his famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the living Great Russian Language", the th…
37 дней(я) назад
In 2001, E. I. Nosov, a veteran novelist, was awarded the Solzhenitsyn Literary Prize. In E. I. Nosov's prose, vocabulary, rhythm, and sound recording are all directed to the main image, which is the innermost core of the work, "the image of images," as A.…
37 дней(я) назад
In the works of Turgenev of the 1860s and 70s, there is often a mention of fog. This recurring motif acts as a comparison, a metaphor, a detail of the landscape, endowed with symbolic meaning. It becomes especially noticeable in Turgenev's "mysterious stor…
37 дней(я) назад
In international practice, it has long been customary for heads of State and their permanent representatives abroad to resort to certain diplomatic acts if necessary. These notes are a kind of written monuments. They were issued in the form of relevant doc…
37 дней(я) назад
From the history of the term nickname * Currently, the term nickname is unambiguous and is used by all researchers to convey the concept that defines an additional, unofficial naming of a person: "Nic…
37 дней(я) назад
The Russian Epic namebook contains interesting information about the genre and stylistic norms of the Russian epic tradition. We made an attempt to systematize the namebook of Russian epics according …
37 дней(я) назад
Nikolai Mikhailovich Yazykov (1803 - 1846), who belonged to an old rich family of Simbirsk nobles, from his youth felt his poetic vocation, the originality of which was repeatedly mentioned by his great contemporaries: "Yazykov, who inspired you with Your …
37 дней(я) назад
N. V. Gogol was one of the most attractive authors for Russian philologists and writers who found themselves in exile. Let's look at some of their articles that analyze the essential facets of his work. Philologist-Slavist Alexey Feodorovich Boehm in the a…
37 дней(я) назад
The hero reports about his first meeting with the heroine as follows: "I met Nina a long time ago, in nineteen seventeen, probably judging by the places where time has worn out. It was on a birthday party at my aunt's house, on her Luzhsky estate, in a pur…
37 дней(я) назад
The Kiev-Pechersk Paterik is a literary monument of a rare fate: the formation and editing of a collection of works about the history of the monastery and its ascetics pass through the entire time space of ancient Russian literature. The prehistory of Pate…
37 дней(я) назад
By the end of the 16th century, the Solovetsky Monastery had become one of the largest cultural centers of the Russian North. Here the correspondence of manuscripts was conducted, a local chronicler was created, the "Life of Metropolitan Philip of Moscow" …
37 дней(я) назад
300 years since the birth of V. K. TREDIAKOVSKY At the end of the XVII - beginning of the XVIII century, a flood of translated chivalrous and adventurous novels literally flooded into Russia. Interest in them is associated with both external entertainment …
37 дней(я) назад
The man who did so much for Russian science, who wrote with such animation and talent about things that were close to the mind and feelings of the thinking people of Russia, was forgotten by Russian society almost at the moment when the coffin of the decea…
38 дней(я) назад
Let us recall from childhood the familiar lines from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" by A. S. Pushkin: And the princess came down to them, I saluted my hosts, She bowed low from the waist down; Blushing, she apologized... In this passa…
38 дней(я) назад
The cultural life of Europe at the beginning of the XIX century was marked by the appearance of a new type of dandies-English dandies, who became real trendsetters. According to R. K. Barnhart's etymological dictionary, the word dandy appeared in Scotland …
38 дней(я) назад
In continuation of the topic about the combined / separate spelling of NOT (see: Russian speech. 2002. N 4) in this article we will focus on words that are not used without NOT. Such words can be divided into three groups: first, personal verb forms, secon…
38 дней(я) назад
In memory of a colleague The life of Boris Samoilovich Schwarzkopf developed in such a way that his main scientific activity took place within the walls of the Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences (then the Academy of Sciences …
38 дней(я) назад
In the grammar of the modern Russian language, there are moments that cause difficulties in the traditional syntactic analysis and placement of punctuation marks in a sentence. They are associated with the existence of a "mysterious" part of speech - the c…
38 дней(я) назад
The words grenadier and Musketeer are found mainly in literary works related to the distant past. At the same time, it is not always clear how to read long-written, for example, well-known lines from the immortal "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboyedov: "[Khles…
38 дней(я) назад
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Существует множество причин, почему важно сохранять свои научные труды в Интернете. Остановимся на основных из них:
  1. Широкий доступ: Интернет позволяет исследователям и ученым во всем мире легко получать доступ к вашим научным трудам. Это особенно важно для тех, кто живет или работает в отдаленных странах или регионах или малонаселенных районах, где доступ к научным публикациям может быть ограничен.
  2. Сохранение и распространение знаний: Сохранение научных трудов в Интернете обеспечивает сохранение и распространение знаний, которые могут быть использованы для развития науки. Это помогает избежать дублирования исследований и облегчает доступ к предыдущим работам, что способствует более быстрому прогрессу человечества.
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  4. Архивирование: Хранение научных трудов в Интернете обеспечивает их архивирование и сохранение на будущее. Это важно, чтобы исследователи могли получить доступ к предыдущим работам и использовать их в своих собственных исследованиях.
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Все услуги авторам и читателям предоставляются бесплатно. Так было, так есть и так будет. Существует несколько причин, по которым библиотека хранит и предоставляет доступ к публикуемой авторами информации бесплатно:
  1. Доступность. Бесплатный доступ к информации делает ее доступной для всех пользователей, независимо от их финансового положения или местоположения. Это важно для обеспечения равного доступа к образованию и информации для всех.
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